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Antarctic Ice Sheets

Glacier Grounding Lines

Glacier Grounding lines are a key indicator of Antarctic ice-sheet instability. Changes in their position reflect imbalance with the surrounding ocean and affect the flow of inland ice.

Data Sets Available for Download

File TypeDescriptionFormatDownload Link
ASCII Rates of Antarctic Grounding Line Migration (vgl) and respective uncertainty (delta vgl) from Cryosat-2 surface elevation and surface elevation change observations 5 lines of header
Per line:
latitude (decimal degs)
longitude (decimal degs East)
Rate of GL Migration (m/yr)
Uncertainty in GL rate (m/yr)

A full explanation of methods and data is given in:

Konrad, Shepherd, Gilbert, Hogg, McMillan, Muir, and Slater: Net retreat of Antarctic glacier grounding lines, Nature Geoscience, 11, 258-262, 2018,

For this data set, the direction of grounding line motion was assumed to follow option 3 as explained in the Methods section of the referenced publication.

When using these data, please acknowledge the authors by citing this article.
