What's New in Baseline-C for Coastal Oceans

Cryo-TEMPO Baseline-C products for Coastal Oceans were released in April 2024. See the product downloads page for access details.

The following evolutions have been applied in Baseline-C as compared to Baseline-B (released March 2023). Further details are provided in the Cryo-TEMPO Product Handbook and ATBD documents.

Evolutions in Baseline-C version 001

Evolutions in Baseline-B version 001

Data Masking

Measurements are now masked so that only observations over ocean are provided.

Flag Valid

The flag_valid parameter now only has two values : valid and invalid. In Baseline-A it also had a third 'land' value, but observations over land have been removed in Baseline-B.

Extended Area Coverage

The area covered now extends to all of the Black Sea.

Additional Parameters

A new dist_coast parameter has been included. This provided the distance of each measurement to the coast in m.

New Uncertainty Estimates

SLA uncertainty is now estimated as the sum of a location dependent large-wavelength error and a short-wavelength error which varies as a function of SWH and distance from the coast and is directly computed from the previous CO TDP.

This uncertainty is combined with the uncertainty associated with MDT to estimate the ADT uncertainty.

Finally, uncertainty for the filtered SLA and ADT are obtained via weighted error propagation of the SLA and ADT uncertainties associated with the individual measurements used to compute the filter values.

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