The Cryo-TEMPO study aims to deliver a new paradigm of simplified, harmonized, and agile CryoSat-2 products, that are easily accessible to new communities of non-altimeter experts and end-users. The project will generate five new thematic along-track products, covering Sea Ice, Land Ice, Polar Ocean, Coastal Ocean and Inland Water, using rapidly evolving, state-of-the-art processing dedicated to each thematic area. Throughout the project, the products will be constantly evolved, and validated by a group of Thematic Users, thus ensuring optimal relevance and impact for the intended target communities.
For further details please visit the Cryo-TEMPO Project Website.
In January 2022 the first full mission data release (Baseline-A) of Cryo-TEMPO thematic products were delivered to the ESA CryoSat-2 Science Server. Products from new data subsequently acquired by CryoSat-2 will be processed and delivered operationally on a monthly basis (by the 5th working day of each month).
For further information please see our Product Handbook.
The Cryo-TEMPO project is funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) and involves an international team of 15 separate institutions in 7 countries.
Funding Agency CryoSat-2 Mission Operator | |
Project Lead Land Ice Science Lead | |
Project Management Systems Development for Land Ice, Sea Ice, Polar Oceans. Project portals. | |
Sea Ice Science Lead | |
Polar Oceans Science Lead Land Ice | |
Coastal Oceans and Inland Waters Science Lead and Systems Development |
Thematic User Group Partners: FMI (Finland), IMEDEA (Spain), IRPI(Italy), LEGOS(France), NERSC (Norway), University of Liverpool (UK), Noveltis (France)